Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute, does anyone else see how unfair House Bill 15 is? On February 11, 2011 , Republican Sid Miller introduced House Bill 15 which would require woman to view a sonogram 24 hours before going through with the abortion procedure. It amazes me how far this bill has gone in congress. I was sure it wouldn't even pass the first stage, i was obviously wrong. I underestimated how closed-minded our disproportionate representatives can be. Statesman article, Senate OKs sonogram measure, says House Bill 15 has now reached stage five in congress, where it is voted on by the senate. This bill is very controversial because it is deeply interrelated with other already "touchy" issues themselves. I foresee many problems if HB 15 was signed into law.
First of all the proposed bill would do absolutely nothing to change a woman's situation or final decision on the mater. The only affect this would make on abortion is that it could possibly guilt a woman into having a baby they do not desire. Do you, reader, see how this could backfire and come back to bite us in the rear end? We cannot afford to have anymore unwanted children on this planet! Unplanned or unwanted children equal a very unhappy and depressed mother, which in turn could ruin further a child's life. I can imagine that child protective services would have new files on their desk toppling at the height of Mt. Everest. I might be exaggerating just a little but it paints a good picture of the impending doom.
Secondly, why do men continue to think that woman's sole purpose in life is to reproduce like some animal? Ironically HB 15 was authored by a man. How can he possibly understand a woman's mind set??? More often than not men disappear from the picture after they've had their fun, its no wonder they think raising a child is easy. Not to mention the very dreaded money issue. Child support is useless, if you owe money you aren't even obligated to pay up. We can absolutely not afford to provide free childcare or medicaid for even more disadvantaged children. In the end women carry 99% of the burden and thus should be able to make their own decision without being guilted into having an unwanted child.
Finally and most importantly, the emotional distress of having an unwanted baby is almost the same as the emotional compromise that victims of rape and incest face. An unwanted child is just that, unwanted, regardless of how or when it happened.
In conclusion, this is a woman's choice and government should stay out of it. I say someone could have a blast pulling a filibuster on this particular bill, it would be very interesting and even funny to hear.
Let me first start off by saying “you tell’em!” On that note, I am sure you can tell that I obviously agree with Miss De Los Santos and Denying Women the right to live their own Life, their way. I too was shocked when I saw how far this bill had made its way through Congress, and the only reason I have not commented on it sooner is because I truly didn’t think it would make it that far. So, now all I feel I can do is jump on the “really?!” bus.
ReplyDeleteAs most people, issues tend to bother me more when I have been affected by it in some way. One thing that I have unfortunately seen for years now is unwanted children. Not only have I gotten to truly see how many of them there are but also the effects caused by women trying to abort in a “do it yourself” manner with drugs and alcohol. I also have seen the effects that drugs and alcohol can cause when a baby survives through horrible odds. My aunt is a foster mom and has been one for the past 11 years. In those 11 years, she has housed, fed, and loved 72 of those “unwanted children,” and this does not include the numerous kids that were placed in her home on an emergency receipt basis.
Did you know that according to the census bureau there were roughly 463,000 Kids in Foster Care in 2008? So again, why would we want to pass a House Bill 15 that can ultimately only end up guilting a woman into keeping an unwanted child? As the numbers show we already have enough.
Once again, go Erika, The White and Black of Government! Her post “Denying Women the Right to Live Their own Life, Their way” was not only informative, but also boasted greater counterarguments for HB15, which is currently sitting on Governor Perry’s desk awaiting his signature to become effective immediately. Though I’ve never been particularly “Pro-Choice,” I see this as a huge mistake on the government’s part. I understand that Texas tends to be a more traditional thinking state in its political views, which includes taking the side of anti-abortion. Texas already has huge overpopulation and poverty problems, so why make a bill that could add to the problem? We’re lowering funding to public schools, promoting unplanned births, and expecting the next generation to be able to take over? What a freaking great idea.